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Current stable/release version: BitlBee 3.6, released 2019-02-07
Some people maintain BitlBee packages for other systems. They're not maintained by us, so they might be out of date. Here are links to the ones we know:
- Many Linux distributions (including Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, SuSE) have BitlBee packages already. Just use apt-get, yum, yast, pacman, emerge or whatever it is on your distro of choice.
- If you're running Debian Stable, you're probably stuck with a pretty old version of BitlBee. You may find a backport on BackPorts.Org, but the nightly builds repo is likely better. Nightly builds are usually very stable, experimental stuff is kept in separate branches.
- Ports should be available for OpenBSD, FreeBSD and NetBSD now. They're all in the official ports trees, so I don't host them here.
For the brave and curious
We have a bzr repository which holds the current development tree (plus some other branches). There are nightly binary builds for various Debian/Ubuntu versions too.